our Italian Cooking
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preparing pasta frolla dough
Pour the flour on a work surface in a mound shape with a hole in the center. Place in the hole the egg, yolk, butter, salt and sugar. Using a fork draw the ingredients together.
Form a dough and work it quickly with your hands. Avoid heating the dough too much.
Cover with a plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator while preparing the fettuccine.
Overlap the pasta sheet about 2 inch (5 cm) on itself forming a long roll.
Slice the roll about 1/4 inch (5 mm)
Place in a food processor the sugar, candied fruit and almonds and run the blade until coarsely ground.
Phreheat oven 400 F (200C). Cover with parchment paper a 9” (22 cm) cake pan. Leave the edges of the paper dangling outside the pan.
Remove the dough from the refrigerator and cover the bottom of the pan. Push the dough about 1/2 inch (1 cm) up around the walls of the pan.
Spread half of the almond mix on the dough.
Spread one third of the fettuccine. Continue alternating almond mix and fettuccine. Finish with a layer of fettuccine.
Pour uniformly in the pan the melted butter. Bake for about 50 minutes or until the surface is golden.
Remove the cake from the oven, and when still hot pour the Amaretto liquor uniformly in the pan. The liquor will bubble and quickly evaporate leaving only the flavor in the cake.
When the cake is cold remove from the pan pulling by the edges of the parchment paper. Dust with powdered sugar.
Preparing and assembling the cake
It must run in the family! We are four sisters and we all love to cook. At the same time we all have dissimilar styles. We are often told that the same dish prepared by one of us tastes different when done by another.
for the fettuccine
1 1/2 cups (200 gr) all purpose flour
2 eggs
for the pasta frolla dough
1 1/2 cups (200 gr) flour
7 oz (100 gr) butter, lukewarm
7 oz (100 gr) sugar
1 egg
1 egg yolk
pinch of salt
Daniela is a particularly talented cook. She had the opportunity to be close to her mother-in-law from the Emilia region of Italy. This way she learned how to prepare perfectly and with special techniques dishes typical of that area. Her tortellini are legendary in our family.
This time she showed me how to make this special cake. It is a tart made of fettuccine and almonds. It was done often in the past when making pasta fresca at home was an almost daily operation. It is not easy to make, but the result, a crunchy tasty tart, makes it worth going through the effort.
Fettucine Tart
Torta Ricciolina
for the cake
3 1/2 oz (100 gr) candied fruit
7 oz (200 gr) blanched almonds
11 oz (300 gr) sugar
7 oz (200 gr) butter, melted
1 cup (230 cc) Amaretto liquor
powdered sugar for dusting
Guest Cook from Rome, Italy