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Mauritian Lunch Menu

Mauritian Curry Lunch

Drain the cooked gateaux piments and place on paper towels to absorb the excessive oil.  Serve warm.
1/2 lb (250 gr) yellow split peas
2-3 green or red chilis (as spicy as you’d like), cleaned, seeded, and finely chopped
2 tablespoons chopped coriander leaves, finely chopped
2 tablespoons spring onions, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
salt to taste
vegetable oil for frying
Wash the split peas in running water, then soak in water for at least 3-4 hours or overnight. Drain the split peas well in a sieve.  
Place the split peas in a food processor and reduce to a fine grain.
Add chili, coriander, onion, cumin, salt, and run the blade until reduced into a fine paste (add a little water if necessary).
Heat oil over a medium heat.  Shape the mixture into small round balls about the size of a walnut.
Deep fry in the oil in batches until golden brown.  Make sure that the round ball is cooked throughout.
These small fried spicy cakes are usually sold by street vendors in little brown paper bags and can be considered the Mauritian equivalent of French fry.
Gateaux Piments
Chili Cakes

Recipe by Vanessa Bathfield